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Courses with Prerequisite or Corequisite

The following is a complete listing of courses with a prerequisite or corequisite.

AAD 112Prerequisite: COM 104/AAD104 and COM 105/AAD 105, or permission of instructor.
AAD 160Prerequisite(s): AAD 104 or permission of instructor
AAD 167Prerequisite: AAD 160, AAD 104 and AAD 105, or permission of instructor
AAD 205Prerequisite: COM 112/AAD 112
AAD 220Prerequisite(s): AAD 104 and AAD 105.
AAD 256Prerequisite: AAD 105 Typography or permission of instructor
ACC 101Prerequisite(s):TRS 094 or MTH 130, either with a grade of C or better OR MCC Level 4 Mathematics Placement OR equivalent.
ACC 102Prerequisite: ACC 101 with a grade of C or higher.
ACC 130Prerequisite(s): TRS 094 or MTH 130, either with a grade of C or better OR MCC Level 4 Mathematics Placement OR equivalent.
ACC 201Prerequisite: ACC 101 with a grade of C or higher OR ACC 130 with a grade of C or higher.
ACC 202Prerequisite: ACC 101 with a grade of C or higher.
ACC 204Prerequisite: ACC 101 with a grade of C or higher.
ACC 210Prerequisite: ACC 102 with a grade of C or higher.
ACC 220Prerequisite: ACC 102 with a grade of C or higher.
ACD 140Prerequisite: Placement at ENG 101 level.
ACD 142Prerequisite: ACD 140 with a grade C or higher or taken concurrently.
ACD 143Prerequisite: ACD 140 with a grade of C or higher or taken concurrently.
ACD 144Prerequisite: ACD 140 with a grade of C or higher or taken concurrently.
ACD 241Prerequisite: ACD 140 with a grade of C or higher
ACD 245Prerequisite: ACD 140 with a grade of C or higher
ACD 246Prerequisite(s): ACD140, ACD143, ACD144, ENG101, HUM101/HUM111, all with a C or higher and permission of instructor.
AGS 200Prerequisites: ENG 101 and any two of: AGS 101, AGS 110, or AGS 150, or permission of instructor.
ANT 205Prerequisite: ANT 101 recommended
ARA 102Prerequisite: ARA 101 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Memory and length of time since last studied are factors in successful placement.
ART 120Prerequisite: ART 104 or permission of instructor.
ART 130Prerequisite: ART 125
ART 154Prerequisite: ART 104 or permission of instructor
ART 200Prerequisite: Minimum of 24 credits of college course study.
ART 204Prerequisite: ART 104
ART 205Prerequisite(s): ART 104 or permission of instructor.
ART 206Prerequisite(s): ART 205 or permission of instructor.
ART 220Prerequisite: ART 120 or permission of instructor.
ART 230Prerequisite: ART 130
ASL 102Prerequisite: ASL 101 or permission of the instructor.
ASL 201Prerequisite: ASL 102; Corequisite: ASL 203
ASL 203Prerequisite(s): ASL 102 or permission of instructor.
ASL 204Prerequisite(s): ASL 203 or permission of instructor.
ASL 216Prerequisite(s): ASL 103 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
ATP 101Prerequisite: Permission of the department.
ATP 102Prerequisite: Permission of the Department
ATP 103Prerequisite: Permission of the Department.
ATP 105Prerequisite: Permission of Department
ATP 106Prerequisite: Permission of Department
ATP 108Prerequisite: Permission of Department
ATP 109Prerequisite: Permission of Department
ATP 112Prerequisite: Permission of Department
ATP 139Prerequisite: Permission of the department
BIO 132Prerequisite or corequisite: BIO 133.
BIO 134Prerequisite: High school Biology with a grade of C or better, or any laboratory-based Biology course numbered 120 or higher with a grade of C- or better, or permission of instructor.
BIO 135Prerequisite: BIO 134, or permission of instructor.
BIO 144A grade of C or better in a college biology course with lab (BIO 120, BIO 132/133, BIO 155) or a C or better in high school biology, in addition to a C or better in a college chemistry course (CHE 100, CHE 124, CHE 145, or CHE 151) or a C or better in high school chemistry.
BIO 145Prerequisite: BIO 144
BIO 148Prerequisite(s): High school biology with a grade of C or better, or BIO 120 with a grade of C or better, and high school chemistry with a grade of C or better, or any college chemistry course with a grade of C or better, or permission of instructor.
BIO 155Prerequisite(s): Living Environment Regents Exam score of 80 or higher (or equivalent for students that did not attend New York State Public School), or a C or better in BIO 120, BIO 156, or BIO 148; and MCC level 8 mathematics placement, or a C or better in MTH 104.
BIO 156Prerequisite(s): Living Environment Regents Exam score of 80 or higher (or equivalent for students that did not attend New York State Public School), or a C or better in BIO 120 or BIO 155.
BIO 195Prerequisite: One Biology lab course preferred. Permission of instructor required.
BIO 202Prerequisites: BIO 134 or BIO 143 or BIO 144 or BIO 155 or permission of instructor.
BIO 209Prerequisite(s): BIO 155 and BIO 156, and CHE 145 or CHE 151, all with a grade of C or better, or permission of Instructor.
BIO 217Prerequisite: BIO 134 OR BIO 144 OR permission of instructor.
BIO 221Prerequisite(s): BIO 155 with a grade of C or better, and CHE 151 with a grade of C or better, or permission of instructor.
BIO 225Prerequisite: CHE 151 or permission of instructor.
BIO 226Prerequisite: BIO 155 with a grade of C or better
BIO 230Prerequisite(s): BIO 155 with a grade of C or better and CHE 151 with a grade of C or better, or permission of instructor.
BIO 235Prerequisites: BIO 135, or BIO 143, or BIO 145 or permission of instructor
BIO 242Prerequisite: BIO 142 and permission of the instructor.
BIO 260Prerequisite(s): BIO 155 or BIO 156 with a grade of C or better, or permission of instructor.
BIO 265Prerequisite: BIO 156 with a grade of C- or better, or permission of instructor.
BUS 204Prerequisite: BUS 104 with a grade of C or higher
BUS 208Prerequisite: BUS 104 with a C or higher
BUS 210Prerequisite: BUS 110 with a grade of C or higher, or permission of the instructor.
BUS 250Prerequisites: BUS 104, MAR 200, ECO 111, ECO 112, ACC 101, ENG 101, Three credits of foreign language, SOC 150 and GEG 211 or permission of instructor. SOC 150 and GEG 211 can be taken concurrently. Students in business programs other than International Business are not required to have the foreign language, SOC 150 and GEG 211 prerequisites for this course. Please contact the course instructor or department chair before registering for the course to discuss course expectations..
BUS 275Prerequisite(s): A minimum of 45 credit hours earned toward an Accounting, Entrepreneurial Studies, or Computer Information Systems A.A.S. degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher AND a review of job placement by the Business and Economics Department. The student’s enrollment into the course for all degrees is processed and approved by the Chairperson of the Business and Economics Department.
CE 255Must be a currently enrolled student with at least one semester at MCC or another accredited institution; have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher; and be at least 18 years old. Students earning credit must also have the permission of the instructor.
CEL 200Prerequisite(s): 2.5 GPA
CHE 100Prerequisite(s): MCC level 6 Mathematics placement (or higher) or MTH 096/098/099/104/165 (or higher) with a minimum grade of C, or MTH 060 and MTH 160, both with minimum grades of C.
CHE 124Prerequisite(s): CHE 100 or high school Chemistry with a minimum grade of C AND MCC level 6 Mathematics placement (or higher) or MTH 096/098/099/104/165 (or higher) with a minimum grade of C, or MTH 060 and MTH 160, both with minimum grades of C.
CHE 145Prerequisite: MCC level 8 Mathematics placement or MTH 104 with a minimum grade of C. Completion of or concurrent registration in MTH 165 is strongly recommended.
CHE 151Prerequisite(s): MCC level 9 Mathematics placement or MTH 165 with a minimum grade of C AND CHE 145 with a minimum grade of C or Chemistry Regents course grade of 75 or higher (students who did not take the Chemistry Regents course should contact the Department Chair.)
CHE 152Prerequisite: CHE 151 with a minimum grade of C-.
CHE 251Prerequisite: CHE 152 with a grade of C- or higher.
CHE 252Prerequisite: CHE 251 with a grade of C- or higher, or permission of instructor.
CHI 102Prerequisite: CHI 101, the equivalent or permission of the instructor. Memory and length of time since last studied are factors in successful placement.
CHI 203Prerequisite(s): CHI 102, or successful completion of equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
CIN 221Prerequisite: CIN 120
CIN 222Prerequisite: CIN 120 or permission of instructor.
CIT 101Prerequisite/corequisite: MTH 135 or MTH 152
CIT 122Prerequisite/corequisite: MTH 135 or MTH 152
CIT 123Prerequisite: MTH 104 OR MTH 152 OR Placement at Math Level 8 OR Higher OR Permission of Program Coordinator. Completion of CIT 122-Elements of Building Construction is recommended.
CIT 202Prerequisite: CIT 101.
CIT 204Prerequisite: MET 203
CIT 205Prerequisite: CIT 204.
CIT 217Prerequisites: CIT 122, 123; prerequisites/corequisites: CIT 221, 232
CIT 232Prerequisites: CIT 122, CIT 123 or permission of instructor; corequisite: CIT 217.
CLT 110Prerequisite(s): CLT 100 with a grade of C or higher AND any one of BIO 134, BIO 142, BIO 144 each with a grade of C or higher; or permission of instructor.
CLT 115Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor. Co-requisite(s): CLT 110 or previously completed
CLT 130Prerequisite(s): CLT 100 with a grade of C or higher AND any one of BIO 134, BIO 142, BIO 144 each with a grade of C or higher; or permission of instructor.
Co-requisite(s): Any one of BIO 135, BIO 143, BIO 145 (or previously completed)
CLT 150Prerequisite(s):CLT 100 with a grade of C or higher AND any one of BIO 135, BIO 143, BIO 145 each with a grade of C or higher; or permission of instructor
CLT 201Prerequsite(s): CLT 100 with a grade of C or higher AND any one of BIO 134, BIO 142, BIO 144 each with a grade of C or higher; or permission of instructor.
Co-requisite(s): CLT 202 AND any one of BIO 135, BIO 143, BIO 145 (or previously completed)
CLT 202Prerequisite(s): CLT 100 with a grade of C or higher AND any one of BIO 134, BIO 142, BIO 144 each with a grade of C or higher; or permission of instructor.
Co-requisite(s): CLT 201 AND any one of BIO 135, BIO 143, BIO 145 (or previously completed each with a grade of C or higher).
CLT 204Prerequisite(s): CLT 100 and one of BIO 134, BIO 144, BIO 155, or BIO 148, all with a C or higher, or permission of instructor.
CLT 205Prerequisite(s): CLT 204 with a C or higher or permission of instructor.
CLT 210Prerequisite(s): CLT 110 with a grade of C or higher; BIO 135 or BIO 145 AND any one of CHE 124, CHE 145, or CHE 151, both with a grade of C or higher; and MCC Level 9 Mathematics placement or MTH 165 with a grade of C or higher; or permission of instructor
CLT 220Prerequisite(s): CLT 110; BIO 148 or BIO 155; one of BIO 135, BIO 143 or BIO 145; and CLT 201. Each course with a grade of C or higher.
CLT 230Prerequisite: CLT 110 with grade of C or higher and any one of BIO 135, BIO 143, BIO 145 each with a grade of C or higher; or permission of instructor
CLT 240Prerequisite(s): BIO 148 or BIO 155, each with a grade of C or higher; or permission of instructor
CLT 250Prerequisite(s): CLT 205, CLT 210, CLT 220, and CLT 230, each with a C or higher.
Co-requisite(s): CLT 260
CLT 251Prerequisite(s): CLT 205, CLT 210, CLT 220 and CLT 230 all with a grade of C or higher and permission of program director. Co-requisite: CLT 260
CLT 253Prerequisite(s): CLT 205, CLT 210, CLT 220, and CLT 230 all with a grade of C or higher and permission of program director.
Co-requisite: CLT 260
CLT 255Prerequisite(s): CLT 205, CLT 210, CLT 220, and CLT 230 all with a grade of C or higher and permission of program director. Co-requisite: CLT 260
CLT 260Prerequisite(s): CLT 205, CLT 210, CLT 220, and CLT 230 all with a grade of C or higher
COM 211Prerequisite: Permission of a VaPA Department faculty member.
COM 212Prerequisite: COM 202.
COM 230Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 200.
COM 240 (formerly COM 131)Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 or ENG 200
COM 242 (formerly COM 130)Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 or ENG 200
COM 247Prerequisite(s): ENG 101
COM 264Prerequisite: COM 150.
COM 267Prerequisite(s): COM 150 or permission of instructor.
COM 270Prerequisites: COM 101
CPT 101MTH 104 or MTH 152 with a grade of C or higher, or MCC level 8 mathematics placement.
CPT 114Prerequisite(s): Math Level 8 (or higher) or MTH 104/152/165/higher with a C or higher.
CPT 206Prerequisite(s): CPT 115 with a grade of C or higher
CPT 210Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in CIS 200, CSC 101 or CPT 101.
CPT 211Prerequisite(s): CSC 101 or CPT 101 or CIS 101
CPT 212Prerequisite(s): MTH 165, ENR 157, CSC 202 all with a grade of C or better.
CPT 213Prerequisite: CSC 202
CPT 215Prerequisites: CPT 115 with a grade of C or better.
CPT 219Prerequisite(s): CPT 215
CPT 220Prerequisite: CPT 120 or permission of instructor.
CPT 225Prerequisite: CPT 120
CPT 251Prerequisite(s): A minimum of 45 credits hours earned towards the Networking and Security Administration (IN01) AAS degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, and permission of instructor.
CPT 270Prerequisite(s): CP01 students only and D or better in CSC 202 and CSC 206
CRC 133Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor
CRC 231Prerequisite: CRC 133
CRJ 101Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 or ENG 101/TRS 099 placement
CRJ 103Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 OR ENG 101/TRS 099 placement
CRJ 104Prerequisites: CRJ 101, CRJ 103 or permission of instructor
CRJ 121Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of CRJ 101,CRJ 103, CRJ 104 and CRJ 204, or permission of instructor.
CRJ 171Prerequisite: Successful completion of CRJ 101 and CRJ 103.
CRJ 172Prerequisite: Successful completion of CRJ 101 and CRJ 103.
CRJ 201Prerequisites: Successful completion of CRJ 101 and CRJ 103.
CRJ 203Prerequisite: CRJ 102
CRJ 204Prerequisites: Successful completion of CRJ 101 and CRJ 103.
CRJ 207Prerequisites: Successful completion of CRJ 101 and CRJ 103.
CRJ 209Prerequisite: Successful completion of CRJ 101 and CRJ 103, or permission of instructor.
CRJ 211Prerequisite(s): CRJ 101, CRJ 103, CRJ 104, and CRJ 204, or permission of instructor.
Co-requisite: CRJ 121 or previously completed
CRJ 217Prerequisites: Successful completion of CRJ 101 and CRJ 103.
CSC 101Prerequisite: MTH 172 Or MTH 175, Or CIS 100 and MTH 165, Or MTH 165 and CPT 101, Or MTH 165 and CPT 114, all with a grade of C or better
CSC 103Prerequisite: CSC 101 with a grade of C or better.
CSC 202Prerequisite(s): Math Level 8 (or higher) or MTH 104/152/165/higher with a C or higher AND CIS 200, or CPT 101 or, CSC 101, or ENR 157, or ENR 161 with a C or higher
CSC 206Prerequisite(s): CIS 200 or CPT 101 or CSC 101 with a grade of C or better.
CSC 214Prerequisite(s): MTH 165 or higher and one of: CIS 200 or CSC 101 or CPT 101 or CSC 223, both with a grade of C or better.
CSC 215Prerequisite(s): CIS 200 or CSC 101 or CPT 101 with a grade of C or better or permission of instructor.
CSC 223Prerequisites(s): CPT 101 or CSC 101 or CIS 200 with a grade of C or better.
CSC 225Prerequisite(s): CSC 101 or CSC 223 with a grade of C or better
DAS 101Co-requisite(s): DAS 100
DAS 102Corequisite(s): DAS 100
DAS 103Corequisite(s): DAS 100
DAS 104Corequisite(s): DAS 100
DAS 105Corequisite(s): DAS 100
DAS 106Corequisite(s): DAS 100
DAS 107Prerequisite(s): DAS 100
DAS 111Co-requisite(s): DAS 110
DAS 115Corequisites: Successful completion of DAS 110, DAS 111, DAS 112, DAS 113, DAS 114.
DAS 120Prerequisite(s): C or higher in DAS 110, DAS 111, DAS 112, DAS 113, DAS 114, DAS 115
Corequisite(s): DAS 123
DAS 122Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of DAS 110, DEN 111, DEN 112, DEN 113, DEN 211
DAS 123Prerequisite(s):C or higher in DAS 110, DAS 111, DAS 112, DAS 113, DAS 114, DAS 115
Co-requisite(s): DAS 120
DAS 227Successful completion of all first semester DAS and DEN courses.
DEN 110Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C is required in this course to continue in the program for DEN students.
DEN 111Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C is required in this course to continue in the program for DEN students and a C- for DAS students.
DEN 112Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C is required in this course to continue in the program for DEN students and a C- for DAS students.
DEN 113Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C is required in this course to continue in the program for DEN students and a C- for DAS students.
DEN 114Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C is required in this course to continue in the program for DEN students.
DEN 115Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C is required in this course to continue in the program for DEN students.
DEN 121Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C is required in this course to continue in the program for DEN students and a C- for DAS students.
DEN 122Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 110, DEN 111, DEN 112, DEN 113, DEN 114, DEN 115.
DEN 123Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 110, DEN 111, DEN 112, DEN 13, DEN 114, DEN 115.
DEN 124Prerequisite(s): DEN 110, DEN 111, DEN 112, DEN 113, DEN 114 AND DEN 115, all with a minimum grade of C in each.
DEN 125Prerequisite(s): DEN 110, DEN 111, DEN 112, DEN 113 DEN 114 AND DEN 115, all with a minimum grade of C
DEN 129Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 110, DEN 111, DEN 112, DEN 113, DEN 114, DEN 115.
DEN 211Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 121, DEN 122, DEN 123, DEN 124, DEN 125, DEN 129.
DEN 212Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 122, DEN 123, DEN 124, DEN 125, DEN 129, DEN 121
DEN 213Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 121, DEN 122, DEN 123, DEN 124, DEN 125, DEN 129
DEN 214Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 121, DEN 122, DEN 123, DEN 124, DEN 125, and DEN 129.
DEN 215Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 121, DEN 122, DEN 123, DEN 124, DEN 125, DEN 129.
DEN 216Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 121, DEN 122, DEN 123, DEN 124, DEN 125, DEN 129.
DEN 217Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 121, DEN 122, DEN 123, DEN 124, DEN 125, DEN 129.
DEN 219Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 121, DEN 122, DEN 123, DEN 129.
DEN 222Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 211, DEN212, DEN 213, DEN 214, DEN 215, DEN 216, DEN 217, DEN 219.
DEN 224Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 211, DEN 212, DEN 213, DEN 214, DEN 215, DEN, 216, DEN 217, DEN 219
DEN 225Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 211, DEN 212, DEN 213, DEN 214, DEN 215, DEN 216, DEN 217, DEN 219
DEN 226Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 211, DEN 212, DEN 213, DEN 214, DEN 216, DEN 217, DEN 219.
DEN 229Prerequisite(s): Earn a minimum grade of C in each of the following: DEN 211, DEN 212, DEN 213, DEN 215, DEN 216, DEN 217, DEN 219
ECE 130Prerequisite(s): ECE 150 and ECE 151.
ECE 230Prerequisite: ECE 152.
ECO 111Prerequisite: MTH 098 with a grade of C or higher OR MCC Level 6 Mathematics placement or higher.
ECO 112Prerequisite: ECO 111 with a grade of C or higher.
EDU 200Prerequisite OR Corequisite: EDU 100;
EDU 208Prerequisite: EDU 200 with a grade of C or higher and PSY 201 or PSY 202 with a grade of C or higher
ELT 102Prerequisites: ELT 101 or ELT 121 required; MTH 135,MTH 140, MTH 152 or MTH 164 or some trigonometry background recommended.
ELT 111Prerequisite: MTH 150 or MTH 098 with a grade of C or higher or equivalent.
ELT 112Prerequisite(s): ELT 111 with a grade of C- or better (required) and ELT 102 (taken concurrently or previously completed); TEK 101 (recommended).
ELT 121Prerequisite(s): MCC Level 8 or higher Mathematics Placement OR concurrent registration with MTH 152
ELT 130Prerequisite(s): :MTH 135, MTH 150, or MTH 152 or permission of department
ELT 201Prerequisites: ELT 102 and ELT 112 with a grade of C- or better.
ELT 202Prerequisites: ELT 102 and ELT 112 with a grade of C- or better, or permission of department.
ELT 204Prerequisites: ELT 201 and 202 with a grade of C- or better, or permission of department.
ELT 205Prerequisite: ELT 201 with a grade of C- or better, or permission of department chairperson.

NOTE: In addition to prerequisite, ELT 202 is recommended.
ELT 206Prerequisite: ELT 202 with a grade of C- or better, or permission of department.
ELT 210Prerequisite(s): ELT111, ELT121, ELT112
ELT 212Prerequisite(s): ELT202, ELT210
ELT 231Prerequisite: ELT 130.
ELT 232Prerequisite: ELT 130 or PHY 231 or ELT 121.
ELT 234Prerequisite: ELT 134
EMS 109Prerequisite and/or corequisite: EMS 101 or equivalent.
EMS 112Co-requisite(s): EMS 110
EMS 118Prerequisite: EMS 110 or EMS 119
EMS 119Prerequisite: EMS 110 or equivalent.
EMS 201Prerequisite: EMT Certification for one full year, per NYS Dept. of Health requirements; Corequisite: EMS 251
EMS 202Pre-requisites: EMS 201 and EMS 251; co-requisite: EMS 252
EMS 203Pre-requisites: EMS 202 and EMS 252; co-requisite: EMS 253
EMS 204Pre-requisites: EMS 203 and EMS 253; Co-requisite: EMS 254
EMS 236Prerequisite: Must be a physician, physician’s assistant, registered nurse, advanced level pre-hospital care provider, or student of these disciplines
EMS 239Prerequisite: EMS 270 previously completed or taken concurrently
EMS 240Prerequisite: EMS 239
EMS 246Prerequisite: EMS 270 or equivalent.
EMS 250Prerequisites: EMS 236 and PST 252.
EMS 251Co-requisite: EMS 201
EMS 252Prerequisite: EMS 201 and EMS 251; Co-requisite: EMS 202
EMS 253Prerequisites: EMS 202 and EMS 252; Co-requisite: EMS 203
EMS 254Prerequisite: EMS 203 and EMS 253; Co-requisite: EMS 204
EMS 270Prerequisite: EMS 110.
EMS 271Prerequisite: EMS 270, and permission from the Emergency Services Department.
EMS 272Prerequisite: EMS 270, and permission from the Emergency Services Department.
ENG 101Prerequisite(s):High school GPA of 80 or higher, OR completion of TRS 200 or ESL 201 with a C or higher, OR Directed Self-Placement facilitated by TRS and English faculty

Co-requisite(s): Students should enroll in TRS 099 if they have a high school GPA of 71-79, or complete TRS 100 with a C or higher, or determined by directed self-placement
ENG 105Prerequisite(s): ENG 101; or equivalent; or instructor permission (ENG 101 can be taken as a co-requisite).
ENG 108Prerequisite(s):ENG 101; or equivalent; or instructor permission (ENG 101 can be taken as a co-requisite)
ENG 109Prerequisite(s): ENG 101; or equivalent; or instructor permission (ENG 101 can be taken as a co-requisite) :
ENG 113Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 101.
ENG 114Prerequisite(s): ENG 101; or equivalent; or instructor permission (ENG 101 can be taken as a co-requisite)
ENG 115Prerequisite(s): ENG 101; or equivalent; or instructor permission (ENG 101 can be taken as a co-requisite)
ENG 118Prerequisite(s): ENG 101; or equivalent; or instructor permission (ENG 101 can be taken as a co-requisite).
ENG 130Prerequisite(s): ENG 101; or equivalent
ENG 131Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 OR Equivalent
ENG 132Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 OR Equivalent
ENG 200Prerequisite(s): SAT reading & writing score of 600 or higher, or ACT 26 or higher, or ELA regents 85 or higher, or high school GPA 90 or higher, or ENG 101 with a C or higher.
ENG 201Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, or placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 202Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, or placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 203Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 204Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 208Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 210Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 213(Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 with a C or better, placement into ENG 200 or instructor permission.
ENG 215Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 with a C or better, or placement into ENG 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 216Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, or placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 217Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, or placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 218Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, or placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 220Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, or placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 223Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, or placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 224Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, or placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 226Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 with a C or better, or placement into ENG 200, or permission of instructor.
ENG 230Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, or placement into English 200, or instructor permission.
ENG 233Prerequisite(s): ENG 213 with C or higher (or permission of instructor).
ENG 243Prerequisite(s): ENG 213 with C or higher (or permission of instructor).
ENG 250Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 with a grade of C or better or ENG 200 with a grade of C or better.
ENG 251Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better or ENG 200 with a grade of C or better.

*These courses do not fulfill the requirements for a Literature elective.
ENG 253Prerequisite(s): ENG 213 with C or higher (or permission of instructor).
ENG 263Prerequisite(s): ENG 213 with C or higher (or permission of instructor).
ENG 273Prerequisites: ENG 233 or ENG 243 or ENG 253 or ENG 263 with C or higher or permission of Instructor.
ENR 157Prerequisite: MTH 165 or higher.
ENR 161Prerequisite: MTH 165 with a grade of C or higher, or MCC Level 9 Mathematics placement or higher.
ENR 251Prerequisites: MTH 211; PHY 161 with a grade of C or higher.
ENR 252Prerequisite: ENR 251 with a grade of C or higher.
ENR 253Prerequisites: PHY 161; MTH 212 or MTH 225 taken concurrently or previously completed.
ENR 254Prerequisite: ENR 253 with a grade of C or higher.
ENR 256Prerequisite(s):ENR 251 and MTH 211, both with a grade of C or higher.
ENR 258Prerequisites: MTH 211; PHY 161 with a grade of C or higher.
ENR 259Prerequisite(s): CIT 112 or ELT 112 or ENR 153 or ENR 157 or ENR 161 or MET 121 or OPT 151 or TAM 105 or TAM 141
ENR 261Prerequisites: ENR 161 or CSC 101, each with a grade of C or better.
Co-requisites: MTH 211 (or MTH 211 previously completed with a grade of C or higher)
ESL 100Prerequisite: Score of 43-53 on CELSA placement test.
ESL 120Prerequisite: Score of 43-53 on CELSA placement test and ESL 100 (may be taken concurrently or previously completed).
ESL 139Prerequisite: Placement at high intermediate level on proficiency tests, or permission of program coordinator.
ESL 140Score of 54-64 on CELSA placement test; or ESL 100 and ESL 120, each with a grade of C or better; or permission of program coordinator.
ESL 145Prerequisite(s): Score of 58-64 on CELSA placement test; or ESL 100 and ESL 120, each with a grade of C or better if taken concurrently with ESL 140; or permission of program coordinator.
ESL 158Prerequisites: Score of 54 or higher on CELSA placement test; or ESL 100 and ESL 120 each with a grade of C or better; or permission of program coordinator.
ESL 179Grade of C or higher in ESL 145, or score of 65 or higher on CELSA placement test; or permission of program coordinator; and ESL 201 taken concurrently or previously completed.
ESL 201Prerequisite Score of 65-69 on CELSA placement test; or ESL 140 and ESL 145, each with a grade of C or better; or ESL 145 only with a grade of C or better for students with a score of 58-64 on CELSA placement test; or permission of program coordinator.
FPT 111Prerequisite: CPR certification is required.
FPT 113Prerequisite: FPT 111
FPT 141Prerequisite: FPT 113 or equivalent
FPT 142Prerequisite: FPT 113 or equivalent
FPT 143Prerequisite: FPT 113 or equivalent
FPT 204Prerequisite: FPT 101.
FPT 211Prerequisite: FPT 101 and FPT 103.
FPT 212Prerequisite(s): MTH 150 or higher, FPT 101, FPT 102, FPT 103, FPT 105.
FPT 216Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, FPT 101, FPT 102, FPT 103, FPT 105 or permission of instructor.
FPT 220Prerequisite: FPT 111 or equivalent
FPT 230Prerequisite: FPT 130 or equivalent combination of training and experience.
FPT 260Prerequisite(s): FPT 101, FPT 102, and FPT 105; all with a grade of C or higher.
FRE 102Prerequisite: FRE 101 or one year of high school French or equivalent.
FRE 111Corequisite: FRE 101, or some previous study of French.
FRE 112Prerequisite: FRE 102 taken concurrently, or one year high school language, or FRE 101.
FRE 203Prerequisite(s): FRE 102, or successful completion of high school French 4, the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
FRE 204Prerequisite(s): FRE 203 or excellence in high school French 5, the equivalent or permission of instructor.
FRE 213Prerequisite(s): FRE 203 taken concurrently, or successful completion of high school French 4, the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
FRE 214Prerequisite(s): FRE 204 taken concurrently, or successful completion of high school French 5, the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
FSA 107Prerequisite(s): MCC Level 2 Mathematics placement or higher
FSA 108Prerequisite: FSA 106 (may be taken concurrently or previously completed).
FSA 109Prerequisite(s):MCC Level 2 Mathematics placement or higher
Corequisite: FSA 106
FSA 119MCC Level 2 Mathematics Placement OR higher and FSA 106 and FSA 109, each with a grade of C or better;
FSA 203Prerequisite(s): FSA 119 (may be taken concurrently, or previously taken)
FSA 211FSA 106 and FSA 109, each with a grade of C or better.
FSA 221Prerequisite(s): MCC Level 2 Mathematics Placement or higher
FSA 230FSA 106 and FSA 109, each with a grade of C or better, or permission of department
GEG 100Corequisite: Physical Geography (GEG101).
GEG 103Prerequisite or co-requisite: GEG 104.
GEG 110Corequisite: Physical Geography II (GEG-111). Students that take GEG 110 are required to be taking or have taken GEG 111.
GEG 203Prerquisite(s): GEG 204 completed or concurrently enrolled in
GEG 204GEG 203 completed or concurrently enrolled in
GEG 230Prerequisite(s): GEG 130 with a grade of C or higher
GEG 236Prerequisite(s): GEG 133 or permission of the instructor
GEG 238Prerequisite(s): GEG 130, GEG 133, and GEG 230 or GEG 236 all with a grade of C or higher, or instructor permission
GEG 239Prerequisites: GEG 101, GEG 130, GEG 131, and GEG 133, all with a grade of C or higher. Co-Requisite GEG230.
GEO 102Prerequisite: GEO 101 or permission of instructor.
GEO 115 Co-requisite: GEO 105.
GEO 200Prerequisite: GEO 101 or permission of instructor.
GEO 210Prerequisite: GEO 101
GEO 295Prerequisites: One Geology or Geography class preferred; permission of the instructor(s) required
GER 102Prerequisite: GER 101 or one year high school German or equivalent.
GER 111
GER 203Prerequisite(s): GER 102, or successful completion of high school German 4, the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
HIM 103Prerequisite: HIM 100 with a grade of C or better.
HIM 110Prerequisites: BIO 134, HIM 103 and HIM 104, each with a minimum grade of C, or permission of the instructor.
HIM 111Prerequisite: HIM 110 with a minimum grade of C, or permission of instructor.
HIM 115Prerequisite/corequisite: HIM 104
HIM 204Prerequisite: HIM 111 with a minimum grade of C.
HIM 205Prerequisite(s): HIM 111, HIM 115, BIO 134, BIO 135, and CRC 113 all with a minimum grade of C; and CRC 116 (may be taken concurrently).​
HIM 206Prerequisite: HIM 205 and HIM 208, each with a minimum grade of C.
HIM 208Prerequisite: HIM 103 with a minimum grade of C.
HIM 209Prerequisite(s): HIM 205 and HIM 208, each with a minimum grade of C.
HIM 211Prerequisite: HIM 208 and MTH 150 (or higher), each with a minimum grade of C
HIM 213Prerequisite(s): HIM 205, HIM 208 each with a minimum grade of C.
HMN 101Prerequisite(s): ENG 101; or equivalent; or instructor permission (ENG 101 can be taken as a co-requisite).
HMN 220Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a grade of C or better or English 200 with a grade of C or better.
HMN 221Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a grade of C or better, or English 200 with a grade of C or better.
HSP 204Prerequisite(s): HSP 202
HSP 225Prerequisite(s): Overall GPA of 2.5 or better or by permission of instructor.
HUM 101Prerequisite: Placement exam at ENG 101 level. Corequisite: HUM 111.
HUM 102Prerequisite: HUM 101 with a grade of C- or better.
HUM 106Prerequisite: HUM 101 with a grade of C- or better
HUM 109ENG 101 ready and HUM 100
HUM 112Prerequisite: HUM 111 with a grade of C- or better.
HUM 116Prerequisite: HUM 111 with a grade of C- or better; co-requisite: HUM 106
HUM 119Prerequisite(s): HUM 109 w/ C- or HUM 101 and HUM 111, both w/ C-
HUM 201Prerequisite: HUM 102, 112 with a grade of C- or better.
HUM 209Prerequisite(s): HUM 102 and HUM 112 or HUM 119 with a grade of C- or higher.
HUM 211Prerequisite: HUM 112 with a grade of C- or better.
HVA 102Prerequisite: HVA 101 (may be taken concurrently or previously completed)
HVA 104Prerequisite(s): HVA 101 and HVA 102; both may be taken concurrently or previously completed.
HVA 201Prerequisite(s): HVA 105
HVA 202Prerequisites: HVA 103
HVA 203Prerequisite(s): HVA 101, HVA 102 and MTH 135 or higher.
HVA 204Prerequisite(s): HVA 105 or permission of department.
HVA 206Prerequisite(s): HVA 103
HVA 207Prerequisites: HVA 102, HVA 103 and HVA 104.
HVA 209Prerequisites: HVA 101, HVA 102, HVA 104 or permission of department.
HVA 210Prerequisites: HVA 101 and HVA 103 and MTH 135 or higher; or permission of department.
HVA 211Prerequisite(s): HVA 101 and HVA 102
HVA 212Prerequisite(s): HVA 101 and HVA 103, and HVA 105 or permission of department.
HVA 271Prerequisite(s): HVA 101 and HVA 103 and HVA 105 or permission of department.
IDE 102Prerequisite: IDE 101 with a grade of C or better
IDE 132Prerequisite: IDE 131.
IDE 201Prerequisite(s):IDE 102 with a grade of C or better and IDE 132 with a grade of C or better.
IDE 203Prerequisite(s): IDE 102 with a grade of C or better and IDE 132 with a grade of C or better.
IDE 250Prerequisite(s): IDE 102 with a grade of C or better; IDE 132 with a grade of C or better.
IDE 270Prerequisite(s): IDE 102 with a grade of C or better; IDE 132 with a grade of C or better.
ITA 102Prerequisite: ITA 101 or one year of high school Italian or equivalent.
ITA 112Prerequisite: ITA 102 taken concurrently, or one year high school language, or ITA 101.
ITA 203Prerequisite(s): ITA 102, or successful completion of high school Italian 4, the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
JPN 102Prerequisite(s): JPN 101, the equivalent, or permission of the instructor. Memory and length of time since last studied are factors in successful placement.
JPN 203Prerequisite(s): JPN 102, or successful completion of equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
LAS 220Prerequisite(s): Completion of ENG 130 or ENG 131 or ENG 132 or ENG 200 or ENG 250 or ENG 251 and Completion of 30 credits Note: enrollment in course will be limited to students in; Liberal Arts STEM, Applied Science, & Health - A.S. Liberal Arts & Sciences: Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences - A.S. Liberal Arts: Business & Community Engagement - A.S.
LAW 267Prerequisite(s): Pre-requisite or co-requisite PLS 260, or permission of instructor.
LDS 102Prerequisite: LDS 101
LDS 103Prerequisite/Corequisite: LDS 101 OR LDS 102
LDS 202Prerequisite/Corequisite: LDS 101, LDS 102
LDS 204Prerequisites: LDS 101 and LDS 102
MAR 200Prerequisites: BUS 104 or BUS 110 with a C or higher AND Math Level 6 Placement (or higher) or MTH 096/098/104/155/160/161/162/165/higher with a C or higher.
MAR 201Prerequisite(s):  BUS 104 OR BUS 110 with a C or better
MET 101Prerequisite: Some experience with mechanical drawing is desirable, since most students in this course have had one or more terms of drawing.
MET 121Prerequisite: MET 101 (may be taken concurrently or previously completed).
MET 122Prerequisite: MET 121 or ENR 153 or permission from Department.
MET 201Prerequisites: MET 101 or MET 121 or ENR 153
MET 202Prerequisite: MET 101, ENR 153
MET 203Pre-requisite(s): MTH 140, MTH 152 or MTH 165 each with a grade of C or better;
Co-requisite: PHY 131 or higher (or previously completed)
MET 208Prerequisite: MET 203 with a grade of C or better.
MET 225Prerequisite: MET 203 with a grade of C or better.
MET 226Prerequisite: MET 225 with a grade of C or better.
MET 250Prerequisites: MET 107, MET 110, ELT 130, and ELT 134, each with a grade of C or higher.
MIS 100Prerequisite(s): MTH Level 6 Placement (or higher) or MTH 098/104/165/higher with a C or higher.
MIS 200Prerequisite(s): MIS 100 (formerly CIS 100) OR CPT 114, either with a grade of C or higher
MIS 201Prerequisite(s): MIS 200 (formerly CIS 200), CSC 101, OR CPT 101 with a grade of C- or higher
MIS 209Prerequisite(s): CSC 101 or MIS 200 (formerly CIS 200) with a grade of C or higher.
MIS 211Prerequisite(s): CSC 101 or MIS 200 (formerly CIS 200) with a grade of C or higher
MIS 220Prerequisite(s): BUS 104 OR BUS 110 with a grade of C or higher
MMP 151MTH 098 (may be taken concurrently or previously completed) OR MCC Level 6 Mathematics placement.
MMP 152MMP 151 with a grade of C or higher.
MMP 155MTH 098 (may be taken concurrently or previously completed) OR MCC Level 6 Mathematics placement.
MMP 156MMP 151 with a grade C or higher.
MMP 158MMP 152 with a grade of C or higher
MMP 159MMP 203 and 272; each with a grade of C or higher.
MMP 201MMP 158, 203, and 272; each with grade C or higher.
MMP 202MMP 201 and 273; each with a grade C or higher.
MMP 203MMP 152 with a grade of C or higher.
MMP 204MMP 203 and 273; each with a grade of C or higher.
MMP 271Permission of the Instructor.
MMP 272MMP 271 with a grade of C or higher.
MMP 273MMP 272 with a grade of C or higher.
MMP 274MMP 273 with a grade of C or higher.
MTH 060Prerequisite(s): TRS 094 with a minimum grade of C OR MCC Level 4 Mathematics Placement; and ENG 101 OR ENG 200 OR English Placement. Co-Requisite(s): MTH 160 OR MTH 162
MTH 065Pre-requisite(s): MCC Level 7 Mathematics placement, MTH 104 with a grade of C- or higher, or permission of instructor.
Co-requisite(s): MTH 165
MTH 096MCC level 4 mathematics placement or higher or TRS 094 with a grade of C or better.
MTH 098Prerequisite: TRS 094 with a grade of C or better, or MCC Level 4 Mathematics Placement.
*MTH 098, MTH 099, and MTH 104 are developmental courses. They do not fulfill a mathematics requirement for an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science Degree.
MTH 099Prerequisite(s): MCC level 5 mathematics placement OR TRS 094 with a minimum grade of A, OR MTH 096 with a minimum grade of B-, OR MTH 098 with a minimum grade of C-, OR MTH 152 with a minimum grade of C OR permission of instructor.
*MTH 098, MTH 099, and MTH 104 are developmental courses. They do not fulfill a mathematics requirement for an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree.
MTH 104Prerequisite: MTH 098 with a grade of C or better, or MTH 099 with a grade of C or better, or MCC Level 6 Mathematics Placement.
*MTH 098, MTH 099, and MTH 104 are developmental courses. They do not fulfill a mathematics requirement for an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree.
MTH 130Prerequisite(s): MCC Level 2 Mathematics placement.
MTH 135Prerequisite: MTH 098 with a grade of C or better, or MCC Level 6 Mathematics Placement.

*MTH 135, MTH 140 and/or MTH 141 are required in various technology programs. They do not fulfill a mathematics requirement for an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree.
MTH 150Prerequisite: TRS 094 with a grade of C or better, or MCC Level 4 Mathematics placement.
MTH 152Prerequisite(s): MTH 150 with a grade of C or better, or MCC Level 6 Mathematics Placement
MTH 155Prerequisite(s): Any of the following with a grade of C or higher: MTH 096, MTH 098, MTH 099, MTH 104, MTH 160 (or higher); or MCC Level 6 (or higher) Mathematics placement.
MTH 156Prerequisite: MTH 155 with a grade of C or better.
MTH 160Prerequisite(s):Any of the following with a grade of C or better: MTH 096, MTH 104, MTH 152, MTH 165 (or higher); or MCC Level 7 mathematics placement.
MTH 161Prerequisite: MTH 160 with a grade of C or better.
MTH 162Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite(s): Any of the following with a grade of C or better: MTH 096, MTH 104, MTH 152, MTH 165 (or higher); or MCC Level 7 mathematics placement.
MTH 163Prerequisite(s): MTH 160 with a grade of C or better
MTH 164Prerequisite: MTH 104 with a grade of C or better, or MCC Level 8 Mathematics Placement.
MTH 165Prerequisite: MTH 104 with a grade of C or better, or MTH 140 with a grade of C or better, or MCC Level 8 Mathematics placement.
MTH 172Prerequisite: MTH 141 or MTH 165 with a grade of C or better, or MCC Level 9 Mathematics placement, or equivalent.
MTH 175Prerequisite: MTH 165 with a grade of C or higher, or MTH 141 with a grade of C or higher, or MCC Level 9 Mathematics placement or higher.
MTH 200Prerequisite: MTH 165 with grade of C or better, or MCC Level 9 Mathematics placement, or equivalent.
MTH 210Prerequisite: MTH 175 with grade of C or higher, or high school precalculus course taken within the last three years with a grade of B (83) or higher, or MCC Level 10 Mathematics placement.
MTH 211Prerequisite: MTH 210 with a grade of C or higher.
MTH 212Prerequisite: MTH 211 with a grade of C or higher.
MTH 220Prerequisite: MTH 210 with a grade of C or higher, or equivalent.
MTH 225Prerequisite: MTH 211 with a grade of C or better.
MTH 230Prerequisite: MTH 212 with a grade of C or better, or both MTH 211 and MTH 220 with a grade of C or better in each, or permission of instructor.
MTH 260MTH 212 with a grade of C or higher OR MTH 211 AND MTH 220 each with a grade of C or higher.
MUS 110Prerequisite: MUS 109 or permission of the instructor.
MUS 114Audition or permission of instructor required.
MUS 126Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
MUS 127Prerequisite: MUS 126 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
MUS 129Prerequisite: Basic keyboard proficiency or permission of instructor.
MUS 140Prerequisite: Prior experience in a jazz band or permission of instructor.
MUS 141Prerequisite: Audition or permission of instructor.
MUS 142Prerequisite: Audition or permission of instructor.
MUS 145Prerequisite: Prior experience improvising in a jazz band or permission of instructor; corequisite: MUS 143/MUS 144 is highly recommended
MUS 146Prerequisite: Audition or permission of instructor.
MUS 151Prerequisite: Music Department audition.
MUS 160Prerequisite: MUS 159 or permission of instructor; corequisite: MUS 110 or permission of instructor
MUS 201Prerequisites: Completion of a music theory course or music appreciation, and elementary skill in music reading or permission of the instructor.
MUS 202Prerequisite: MUS 201 or permission of the instructor.
MUS 209Prerequisite: MUS 110 or permission of the instructor.
MUS 210Prerequisite: MUS 209 or permission of the instructor.
MUS 226Prerequisite: MUS 127 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
MUS 227Prerequisite: MUS 226 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
MUS 259Prerequisite: MUS 160 or permission of instructor; corequisite: MUS 209 or permission of instructor
MUS 260Prerequisite: MUS 259 or permission of instructor; corequisite: MUS 210 or permission of instructor
NUR 110Co-Requisite(s): NUR 111.
NUR 111Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in high school chemistry, biology and either Sequential Math, Math A Regents or High School Algebra;
Co-requisite(s): NUR 110, PSY 101, BIO 144, and MTH 160, unless previously taken.
NUR 112Prerequisites: NUR 110, NUR 111, MTH 160, PSY 101 and BIO 144, all with a minimum grade of C;
Corequisites: BIO 145, PSY 212 and ENG 101 or ENG 200, unless previously taken.
NUR 210Prerequisites: NUR 110 and NUR 112 with a minimum grade of C.
NUR 211Prerequisite(s): NUR 112, BIO 144, BIO 145, PSY 212 and ENG 101 or ENG 200, all with a minimum grade of C.
Corequisite(s): NUR 210, BIO 202 and SOC 101, unless previously taken.
NUR 212Prerequisite(s) :NUR 112, BIO 144, BIO 145, PSY 212 and ENG 101 OR ENG 200, all with a minimum grade of C.
Corequisite(s): NUR 210, BIO 202, SOC 101, unless previously taken.
NUR 214Prerequisite(s): NUR 210, NUR 211, NUR 212, SOC 101, BIO 202, all with a minimum grade of C.
co-Requisite(s): HEG 215 and PSY 108, unless previously taken.
OFT 112Prerequisite: OFT 111 with a grade of C- or better.
OFT 141ENG 101 ready.
OFT 201Prerequisite: OFT 112 with a grade of C- or better.
OFT 202Prerequisite/Corequisite: OFT 201, or permission of instructor.
OFT 214Prerequisites: OFT 112 and OFT 141.
OFT 240Prerequisites: OFT 111 with a grade of C- or better and OFT 141.
OFT 267Prerequisites: HIM 104 and OFT 111 and OFT 141.
OFT 270Prerequisite(s): OFT 112, OFT 141.
Co-requisite: OFT 214.
OPT 151Prerequisite: OPT 131.
OPT 153Prerequisites: OPT 131 or OPT 110 and MTH 140, or permission of department.
OPT 175Prerequisite(s): MTH 098 with a grade of C or better, or MCC Level 5 Mathematics Placement or Permission of Department
OPT 211Prerequisite(s): OPT 131 or permission of department chair
OPT 231Prerequisite: OPT 211 or permission of department.
OPT 235Prerequisite: OPT 213 or permission of department.
OPT 245Prerequisite(s): OPT 235 or permission of department chair
OPT 255Prerequisite(s): OPT 151
PHL 102MCC level 4 placement or TRS 094 with a grade of C or higher
PHO 113Prerequisite: PHO 106 or permission of instructor
PHO 135Prerequisite: ART 109
PHO 164PHO 106 or permission of instructor.
PHO 213Prerequisite: COM 106 or PHO 106 or COM 113 or PHO 113 or permission of instructor
PHO 223Prerequisite: COM 106 or PHO 106 or COM 113 or PHO 113 or permission of instructor
PHY 100Prerequisite(s): Level 6 Math Placement (or higher) or MTH 098/104/150/152/165/higher with grade of C or higher. Concurrent enrollment in MTH 104 or 152 recommended, if not already completed.
PHY 110Prerequisite(s): Permission of the HVACR Program Coordinator
PHY 120Prerequisites: PHY 121 may be taken concurrently or previously completed.
PHY 131Prerequisite(s): MTH 140 or MTH 165 taken concurrently or previously completed OR MTH 152 previously completed
PHY 132Prerequisite(s): PHY 131 with a grade of C.
PHY 145Prerequisite: Either MTH 140 or MTH 165 taken concurrently or previously completed.
PHY 146(Prerequisite(s):PHY 145 with grade of C or higher AND MTH 165/higher with grade of C or higher OR Level 9 Math Placement (or higher)
PHY 154Prerequisite: MTH 210 completed prior to beginning PHY 154.
PHY 155Prerequisite: PHY 154 with a grade of C or higher.
PHY 161Prerequisites: MTH 211 taken concurrently or previously completed; high school Regents physics with a grade of 70 or higher or PHY 131 with a grade of C or higher, or PHY 145 with a grade of C or higher.
PHY 261Prerequisite(s): PHY 161 with a grade of C or higher and MTH 211 with a grade of C or higher.
PHY 262Prerequisites: PHY 261 with a grade of C or higher; MTH 212 or MTH 225 taken concurrently or previously completed.
PLE 104Prerequisites: PLE 101, PLE 102, PLE 103.
PLE 131Prerequisite: Must be a sworn police or peace officer.
PLE 140Prerequisite: Current law enforcement officer status, or acceptable alternative as authorized by Public Safety Training Facility.
PLE 153Prerequisite: Must be a sworn police or peace officer.
PLE 204Prerequisites: PLE 101, PLE 102, PLE 103.
PLE 222Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Basic Course for Police Officers or Basic Course for Peace Officers, and three years of experience in a police or peace officer position that requires carrying a firearm. Sworn "active" police or peace officer. DCJS General Topics certification.
PLE 233Prerequisite: PLE 152.
PLE 234Prerequisite: PLE 220.
PLE 244Prerequisite: PLE 222.
PLS 250Prerequisite(s): PLS 260 or permission of program director.
PLS 255Prerequisite(s): Pre-requisite or co-requisite PLS 260, or permission of instructor.
PLS 256Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of PLS 260 with a grade of C or higher, or permission of program director. PLS 260 can be taken concurrently.
PLS 263Prerequisite: PLS 260
PLS 264Prerquisite/Corequisite(s): Successful completion of, or concurrent enrollment in, PLS 260- Introduction to Paralegal Studies and PLS 266- Legal Research and Writing; or permission from the program director.
PLS 266Prerequisite(s): Pre-requisite or co-requisite PLS 260, or permission of instructor.
PLS 268Prerequisites: Successful completion of PLS 266, or permission of program director.
PLS 269Prerequisites: Successful completion of PLS 266 and 267, or permission of program director.
PLS 270Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of PLS 260- Introduction to Paralegal Studies and PLS 266- Legal Research and Writing, or permission of program director.
PLS 271Prerequisites: Successful completion of PLS 266 and PLS 267, or permission of program director.
PLS 272Prerequisites: Successful completion of PLS 260 and PLS 266, or permission of program director.
PLS 274Prerequisites: Successful completion of PLS 260 and PLS 266, or permission of program director.
PLS 276Prerequisites: Successful completion of PLS 260, or permission of program director.
PLS 299Prerequisite(s): PLS 260 and PLS 255, PLS 266, and PLS 267, or permission of the program director
POS 234Prerequisite: Registration in this course is by permission only, following an application and selection process that takes place in the Fall Semester.
PPE 275Prerequisite: BIO 135 OR BIO 145.
PSC 110Prerequisite(s): PSC100 and PSC 101.
PSC 203Prerequisite: PSC 100 - Public Safety Telecommunicator, or PSC 101 - Emergency Medical Dispatch.
PSC 212Prerequisite(s): PSC 202 Law Enforcement Dispatching
PSC 213Prerequisite(s): PSC 203 - Fire and EMS Dispatching.
PSY 108Prerequisite(s): Completed English 101 with a C or better, or completed English 200 with a C or better.
PSY 200Prerequisite: PSY 101.
PSY 201Prerequisite: PSY 101.
PSY 202Prerequisite: PSY 101.
PSY 205Prerequisites: PSY 101, plus three additional hours in PSY or SOC.
PSY 206Prerequisites: PSY 101 with a grade C or higher.
PSY 212Prerequisite: PSY 101.
PSY 215Prerequisite: PSY 101 with a grade of C or better
PSY 220Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 and PSY 108, both with a minimum grade of C; and MTH 161 OR MTH 162 OR MTH 163
PSY 225Prerequisite: PSY 101
PSY 230Prerequisite: PSY 101
PSY 261Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 and either PSY 201, 202, or 212
PSY 262Prerequisite: PSY 101 or SOC 101 or permission of instructor.
PSY 270Prerequisite: PSY 101, or permission of the instructor
REA 101REA 100 grade of C or better, TRS 200 with a grade of C or better, Accuplacer reading comprehension score of 81 or higher.
SCR 213Prerequisite(s): CPT-106 & CPT-115 both with a grade of C or higher
SCR 222Prerequisite(s): CPT 120
SCR 230Prerequisite(s): CPT 115 and CPT 120, both with a C or better or permission of instructor.
SGT 100Prerequisite(s): Nursing Dept. Permission Required.
Corequisite(s):  BIO 144, MTH 160, HIM 104, SGT 110
SGT 101Prerequisite(s):SGT 100, SGT 110, BIO 144, MTH 160, and HIM 104 each with a grade of C or higher.
Co-requisite(s): BIO 145, ENG 101 or ENG 200, PHL 210 or SOC 210 and SGT 102.
SGT 102Prerequisite(s): SGT 100, SGT 110, BIO 144, MTH 160, and HIM 104 each with a grade of C or higher. Co-requisite(s): BIO 145, ENG 101 or ENG 200, PHL 210 or SOC 210, and SGT 101.
SGT 201Prerequisite(s): BIO 202, PHL 103, SGT 101 and SGT 102, all with a grade of C or better.

Co-requisite(s): BIO 235
SGT 202Prerequisite(s): BIO 235 and SGT 201, all with a grade of C or better.

Co-requisite(s):: SGT 210
SGT 210Prerequisite(s): BIO 235 with a grade of C or better, and SGT 201 with a grade of C or better..
Co-requisite(s): SGT 202
SKT 101Prerequisite(s): Student must currently be registered in or have completed a formal documented and approved apprenticeship program by MCC faculty and/or staff.
SKT 102Prerequisite(s): Student must currently be registered in or have completed a formal documented and approved apprenticeship program by MCC faculty and/or staff. SKT 101.
SKT 103Prerequisite(s): Student must currently be registered in or have completed a formal documented and approved apprenticeship program by MCC faculty and/or staff. SKT 101 and SKT 102.
SKT 104Prerequisite(s): Student must currently be registered in or have completed a formal documented and approved apprenticeship program by MCC faculty and/or staff. SKT 101, SKT 102 and SKT 103
SKT 105Prerequisite(s): Student must currently be registered in or have completed a formal documented and approved apprenticeship program by MCC faculty and/or staff. SKT 101, SKT 102, SKT 103 and SKT 104.
SKT 171Prerequisite(s): Student must currently be registered in or have completed a formal documented and approved apprenticeship program by MCC faculty or staff.
SKT 172Pre-requisite(s): Student must currently be registered in or have completed a formal documented and approved apprenticeship program by MCC faculty or staff.SKT 171
SKT 173Pre-requisite(s): Student must currently be registered in or have completed a formal documented and approved apprenticeship program by MCC faculty or staff. SKT 101 and SKT 102
SKT 174Prerequisite(s): Student must currently be registered in or have completed a formal documented and approved apprenticeship program by MCC faculty or staff.SKT 171, SKT 172 and SKT 173.
SKT 175Prerequisite(s): Student must currently be registered in or have completed a formal documented and approved apprenticeship program by MCC faculty or staff.SKT 171, SKT 172 and SKT 173 and SKT 174
SMT 201Prerequisite(s): By department permission only
SOC 203Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 or SOC 102
SPA 102Prerequisite: SPA 101 or successful completion of the New York State regents exam, the equivalent or permission of the instructor. Memory and length of time since last studied are factors in successful placement.
SPA 111Prerequisites: SPA 101 taken concurrently; one year of language study or permission of instructor.
SPA 112Prerequisites: SPA 102 taken concurrently, one to two years of previous language study or permission of instructor.
SPA 203Prerequisite(s): SPA 102, or successful completion of high school Spanish 4, the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
SPA 204Prerequisite(s): SPA 203, or excellence in high school Spanish 5, the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
SPA 213Prerequisite(s): SPA 203 taken concurrently, or successful completion of high school Spanish 4, the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
SPA 214Prerequisite(s): SPA 204 taken concurrently, or successful completion of high school Spanish 5, the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
SPC 241Prerequisite SPC 141
STT 102Prerequisite: STT 101
STT 201Prerequisites: STT 101, STT 102
TAM 123Prerequisite: TAM 121.
TAM 132Prerequisite: TAM 131.
TAM 139Prerequisites: TAM 101, TAM 121, TAM 131, AND TAM 105 OR TAM 141.
TAM 141Corequisite: TAM 101
TAM 142Prerequisite(s): TAM 101, TAM 121, AND TAM 131 or permission of department
Corequisite(s): TAM 139 or permission of department.
TAM 143Prerequisite(s): TAM 101, TAM 121, AND TAM 131 or permission of department.
Corequisite(s): TAM 139 or permission of department.
TAM 151Prerequisite: TAM 131.
TAM 155Prerequisites: TAM 101
TAM 172Prerequisite: TAM 171
TAM 173Prerequisite: TAM 172
TAM 174Prerequisite: TAM 173
TAM 205Prerequisites: TAM 101, TAM 121 AND EITHER TAM 105 OR TAM 141; Corequisite: TAM 139.
TAM 241Prerequisites: TAM 101, TAM 141.
TAM 242Prerequisites: TAM 101, TAM 141, TAM 241.
TAM 246Prerequisite: TAM 245.
TAM 251Prerequisites: TAM 101, TAM 121, TAM 131, TAM 141.
TAM 255Prerequisite(s): TAM 139
TAM 271TAM 101 (C+ or Better), TAM 105 (C+ or better), TAM 131 (C+or better) or permission of department.
THE 142Prerequisite: Audition or permission of Instructor.
THE 160Audition and/or permission from instructor
THE 190Prerequisite: Audition or permission of instructor.
THE 211Permission of VAPA Theatre Faculty Member
THE 212Prerequisite(s): THE 112.
TOY 192Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.
TOY 195Prerequisite: TOY 191 with a grade of C or better.
TOY 200TOY 198 and TOY 203, each with a grade of C or better.
TOY 201Prerequisite: TOY 200 with a grade of C or better.
TOY 202Prerequisite(s): TOY 203 with a grade of C or better
TOY 203Prerequisite: TOY 192 with a grade of C or better.
TOY 210Instructor Permission required and successful completion of TOY 192, TOY 203 (or equivalent; example Toyota 623 and 652).
TRS 050Prerequisites: MCC Level 2 Mathematics Placement or TRS 092 with a grade of C or higher; college English placement or college English completed
Corequisite: MTH 150 - WR
TRS 090Co-requisite(s): TRS 091 concurrently and COS 101 or COS 133.
TRS 091Co-requisite(s): Concurrently enrolled in TRS 090
TRS 099Prerequisite(s): High school GPA of 71-79.9, or completion of TRS 090 with a C or higher, or TRS 100 with a B or higher, or Self-Directed Placement. Corequisite: ENG-101
XRT 108Pre-Requisites: XRT 111 and XRT 151; each with a grade of C or better.
XRT 109Pre-Requisites: XRT 111 and XRT 151; each with a grade of C or better.
XRT 122Prerequisites: XRT 111 and XRT 151 with a grade of C or better.
XRT 124Prerequisite: XRT 111 and XRT 151; each with a grade of C or better.
XRT 125Prerequisites: XRT 111 and XRT 151; each with a grade of C or better.
XRT 152Prerequisites: XRT 111 and XRT 151 with a grade of C or better.
XRT 153Prerequisites: XRT 122 and XRT 152 with a grade of C or better, and PHY 141.
XRT 211Prerequisite: XRT 153 with a grade of C or better.
XRT 214Prerequisite: XRT 153 with a grade of C or better.
XRT 215Prerequisites: XRT 153 with a grade of C or better
XRT 216Prerequisite: XRT 153 with a grade of C or better.
XRT 220Prerequisite: XRT 153 with a grade of C or better.
XRT 222Prerequisites: XRT 211, XRT 215, and XRT 251 with a grade of C or better.
XRT 224Prerequisites: XRT 211 and XRT 251; each with a grade of C or better.
XRT 226Prerequisites: XRT 211 and XRT 251; each with a grade of C or better.
XRT 227Prerequisites: XRT 211 and XRT 251; each with a grade of C or better.
XRT 228Prerequisites: XRT 211 and XRT 251; each with a grade of C or better.
XRT 230Prerequisite: XRT 220.
XRT 251Prerequisite: XRT 153 with a grade of C or better.
XRT 252Prerequisites: XRT 211, XRT 215, and XRT 251 with a grade of C or better.
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